NHS dentist Hemel Hempstead [ - Listing Info ] When you visit Landmark Dental, you’ll find a different approach to dentistry. We’re a compassionate, caring and experienced team who share a passion for delivering the very best dental experience for everyone. As a patient, you’re treated as an individual. Your consultations will never feel rushed and you’ll always have the time to ask questions and get to know us as clinicians, just as we want to get to know you and your family. We’re committed to helping everyone enjoy the very best oral health, so you can experience a lifetime of happy, confident smiles. We’ve created an extensive treatment list at our relaxed, comfortable practice so you can have the peace of mind that you can access whatever dental support you want and need under one roof, from a team you know and trust. Take a look at some of the kind testimonials we have received to find out more about what it’s like to be a patient at Landmark Dental, or get in touch with the team if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment. Amit Duggal Prosthodontist, Implant Surgeon Amit qualified from St. Barts and The Royal London Hospital in 2001. He completed Senior House Officer posts in Restorative Dentistry and in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Amit completed an extensive four-year Masters Degree at Kings College London, to gain the title of Specialist in Prosthodontics in 2010, during which time he continued to work in private dental practice. He has been trained in the planning and provision of dental implants by Consultants and Professors who excel in this field. He has a special interest in Prosthodontics including Cosmetic Dentistry, Oral surgery and dealing with anxious patients. He also is extremely active in patient education. Outside dentistry he enjoys spending time with his wife and 2 children, enjoying different cultures and is active in football and tennis. |
NHS dentist Doncaster [ - Listing Info ] We are delighted to have an exceptional emergency dental team, with more than 40 years of combined expertise. They are highly experienced in handling all types of dental emergency, and provide expert assistance to local patients from Edlington, Doncaster and across South Yorkshire. Achieving straight, evenly spaced teeth isn’t just about looks; it’s also essential for oral health. Crooked or gapped teeth are harder to clean and more prone to wear and damage. Orthodontic treatment, typically associated with teenagers, is increasingly popular among adults. Your dentist at Edlington Dental, can assess if orthodontics is suitable for you. If so, they’ll create a personalised plan for gradual realignment. Modern braces are discreet, lightweight, and some are even clear, making them barely noticeable. | [ - Listing Info ] Austin Moving Cleaners is an Austin, TX based cleaning company specializing in deep cleaning services for move outs, move ins, and post-construction projects. As a professional cleaning service, we understand the importance of leaving your space immaculate, whether you are moving out, moving in, or completing a construction project. At Austin Moving Cleaners, we take pride in our attention to detail and commitment to delivering exceptional results. Our team of experienced and highly trained cleaners is dedicated to providing a thorough and comprehensive deep cleaning service that exceeds your expectations. We understand that these specific cleaning needs require a specialized approach, and we are here to deliver just that. |
Hampstead Dentist [ - Listing Info ] More about our Dental Practice in Hampstead, North London Hampstead is London’s original urban village and located right at its heart amongst the cafes and boutique shops you will find a unique dental practice. We have been welcoming patients from Hampstead and surrounding areas through our doors since 1979. Our focus is clear and patient expectations are top of our list of priorities, alongside superior dental skills and an individual approach to patient care, we aim to offer the best dental care in Hampstead. Our motto, ‘A healthy smile is the prettiest thing you can wear’ really says all you need to know about our friendly, village practice; the Dental Perfection team have combined an impressive range of expertise with the latest in technology to give clients the best smiles they can. No wonder people return to Dental Perfection time and time again. |
Mortgage Advisor UK [ - Listing Info ] The detailed mortgage figures will enable you to know two things. Firstly that what you are looking to achieve is definitely doable. Secondly, you can look at the figures and work out whether the payments are affordable and thus the idea feasible. Included in the top of the email is a summary of what we discussed and a brief overview of the deposit, loan etc. The middle section details the mortgage figures such as the interest rate, term, monthly payment, fees and charges etc. This information is also attached in the form of a key fact illustration. The bottom of the email lists all the items that would be required in order to proceed with the application such as payslips, passports, and bank statements so you can prepare these for our home visit. |
Deposito mobili Roma [ - Listing Info ] Nel contesto urbano di una città dinamica come Roma, il servizio di deposito mobili Roma rappresenta una risorsa indispensabile per privati e aziende che necessitano di spazi sicuri e affidabili per la conservazione dei propri beni. Logic Service, con la sua esperienza pluriennale, si distingue per l'elevata qualità dei servizi offerti, unendo sicurezza, professionalità e flessibilità in ogni aspetto della gestione. L’affidabilità di Logic Service si basa su un'attenzione particolare ai dettagli e una competenza maturata in anni di attività nel settore del deposito mobili Roma. La società offre soluzioni personalizzate, adatte sia a chi ha bisogno di una custodia mobili Roma temporanea, sia a chi cerca una sistemazione più a lungo termine. I clienti possono scegliere tra diverse opzioni, con la possibilità di depositare mobili di ogni genere in ambienti protetti, sicuri e climatizzati, garantendo la massima conservazione e prevenendo danni causati da fattori ambientali come l’umidità o gli sbalzi di temperatura. Uno degli elementi che rende Logic Service un punto di riferimento nel settore è la cura con cui ogni fase del servizio viene gestita. Il personale è altamente qualificato e segue ogni cliente con attenzione, offrendo supporto personalizzato in base alle esigenze specifiche. Che si tratti di un deposito temporaneo mobili Roma per privati che stanno affrontando un trasloco o una ristrutturazione, o di un deposito per aziende che necessitano di conservare mobili d'ufficio, ogni operazione è svolta con la massima precisione. Oltre alla custodia mobili Roma, Logic Service ha sviluppato una competenza avanzata nella gestione e archiviazione documentale. Questo servizio è particolarmente apprezzato dalle aziende che, oltre a spazi per mobili, necessitano di un'area sicura per l’archiviazione di documenti sensibili. Logic Service offre box deposito Roma dedicati esclusivamente alla conservazione di archivi, garantendo il rispetto delle normative in vigore in materia di conservazione dei dati. Questi spazi, dotati di sistemi di sicurezza avanzati, sono ideali per garantire la protezione di documenti riservati e informazioni aziendali, un aspetto sempre più cruciale per le imprese. L’affitto deposito Roma offerto da Logic Service è concepito per rispondere a diverse esigenze, sia di privati che di aziende. La flessibilità degli spazi e la possibilità di scegliere tra diverse dimensioni di box deposito Roma permettono di ottimizzare l’utilizzo degli spazi in base alle specifiche necessità. Ogni box è accessibile in qualsiasi momento, consentendo al cliente di recuperare i propri beni in modo semplice e rapido. Questa caratteristica, unita alla trasparenza delle tariffe, rende il servizio di Logic Service particolarmente apprezzato. Un altro aspetto distintivo di Logic Service è la sua capacità di offrire soluzioni su misura per il settore della ristorazione. Molti ristoranti di Roma si affidano alla società per il deposito temporaneo mobili Roma durante i periodi di rinnovo o ristrutturazione dei locali. Tavoli, sedie e altri arredi vengono custoditi in condizioni ottimali, pronti per essere reinstallati al termine dei lavori. Questo servizio è fondamentale per i ristoratori che vogliono garantire ai propri clienti un ambiente perfetto senza rischiare danni ai propri arredi durante i lavori. La professionalità del personale di Logic Service è uno dei punti di forza dell’azienda. Ogni membro del team è formato per gestire con cura sia i mobili che i documenti, assicurando una custodia adeguata in ogni fase del processo. Il titolare dell’azienda è sempre disponibile per garantire che ogni cliente riceva un servizio impeccabile, adattato alle proprie esigenze specifiche. Questa attenzione al cliente è ciò che ha permesso a Logic Service di guadagnarsi la fiducia di numerosi privati e aziende nel corso degli anni. La gestione accurata degli spazi e la qualità dei servizi offerti sono supportati da un'infrastruttura all’avanguardia. I box deposito Roma sono protetti da sistemi di sicurezza avanzati, tra cui la videosorveglianza attiva 24 ore su 24 e il controllo degli accessi. Questi strumenti garantiscono che i mobili e i documenti archiviati siano sempre al sicuro, offrendo ai clienti la massima tranquillità. L’affitto deposito Roma di Logic Service rappresenta quindi una soluzione completa, che va oltre la semplice offerta di uno spazio fisico. È una risposta concreta alle esigenze di chi cerca sicurezza, professionalità e affidabilità nella gestione dei propri beni, che si tratti di mobili di valore o documenti riservati. |
Massaggi Roma San Giovanni [ - Listing Info ] Per chi desidera concedersi una pausa di benessere, i massaggi Roma San Giovanni offrono un’esperienza unica e rilassante. In un ambiente accogliente, il centro estetico massaggi corpo Roma San Giovanni propone trattamenti studiati per favorire il rilassamento, alleviare le tensioni muscolari e riequilibrare corpo e mente. | [ - Listing Info ] Most travelers to Vietnam are attracted by the country’s wonderful natural beauty: From the green rice fields in the north to the fascinating bustle of the Mekong Delta in the south. Vietnam however is also a country with a long history and ancient traditions. It has many historic attractions and old temples. An overview of the most amazing tourist attractions in Vietnam. Blending both Vietnamese and European design elements, the architecture of the Khai Dinh Tomb in Hue has been described as Buddhist as well as Roman Gothic. Constructed in the 1920s, the tomb was commissioned by the Emperor of Vietnam as his own future tomb. The entrance of the complex leads to the Honour Courtyard, and then on to the main building called the Thien Dinh. Khai Dinh’s final resting spot is clearly marked by a bronze statue surrounded by beautiful murals. Under French rule, the Con Dao Islands were known as the Devil’s Island of Indochina, a place where thousands of prisoners of war were kept. Today, this group of 16 islands off the southern coast of Vietnam has a completely different purpose. Visitors come for the beautiful beaches and the abundance of scuba diving and snorkeling spots. However, the history of Con Dao can still be explored at some of the prison buildings that still stand. South of Da Nang, Vietnam, are the Marble Mountains. These five peaks are named after the five elements of earth, water, wind, fire and wood. The mountains are picturesque on their own, but they are also home to countless caves, some of which house incredible Buddhist sanctuaries. Some caves contain Confucian or Buddhist shrines, and others were used as sanctuaries and hospitals during the Vietnam War. |
CNC machined castings [ - Listing Info ] Continual investments in the latest casting technologies, equipment and our employees makes Conex Casting more than just an ordinary foundry. Our state of the art facility utilizes an automated sand casting, Shell molding process to produce repeatable high quality products. Our technological advances allow us to produce and deliver superior quality Brass, Copper, Bronze and Stainless Steel castings that are customized to meet all of your requirements. Our Jamnagar Gujarat based foundry produces castings for a variety of industries and specializes in manufacturing complicated Bushings, Electrical connectors, Grounding clamps, Pump parts, seals, bearings, and bearing housings using various metal alloys. |
Germany's Top Sales Outsourcing Partner [ - Listing Info ] During the first steps of your German market penetration and before opening an actual office of your own, we are here to build and manage your German business. Virtually creating your own German office. We have built up a large network of personal contacts at various enterprises. The quality of these contacts ensures that we can quickly penetrate the appropriate accounts with your products, services and solutions - providing you with initial reference customers upon wich to build a future business. Hiring dedicated staff to build and manage your business in Germany is costly, whereas the return on investment is still unknown. We help companies by providing expert sales outsourcing services. |